Who we are
We are a team volunteers - “Sunflower Relief Collective” founded by Annie Raush-Gernet an immigrant from Ukraine.
Our mission
We do everything possible to help Ukrainians in these difficult days.
How it is started
Given the ongoing war in Ukraine, Annie decided to put together all of her organizational skills to help her home country. In the second week of the war the DMV area community and Annie spent several days collecting various donations for humanitarian relief packages.
This involved around 100 volunteers, all of whom were helping to sort and package various products on Annie’s front lawn and at her family business locations — “Sunflower Child Daycare”.
In total, the volunteers were able to collect and send approximately 50,000 lbs (about 80 pallets – 4 full trucks) of goods for Ukrainians who currently do not have access to these products. These packages are being sent directly to Ukrainian cities and we have worked tirelessly to ensure that the chosen route is effective, safe and gets to their final destinations and into the hands of Ukrainian people.

We are continuing to collect donations and are supporting up to 25 small local foundations in Ukraine. Our team of volunteers has grown and works in 4 different departments to achieve our goals.
This is where we ask for YOUR help!
Here in United States we are all in a privileged position to be in the safety and comfort of our own homes, with all the resources and amenities that we need. People in Ukraine are not so fortunate at the moment but WE have the ability to alleviate some of their hardships.
Please donate NOW or SHARE what we do in order to help someone today. Even a small donation can have a big impact on at least one person’s life, and that is something worth to take part in.
Social media
Please watch and read the Stories about us and what we do.